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C10200 Oxygen Free Copper (CDA 102)

Short Description:

UNS CDA 102, SAE J461, ASTM B152, ASTM B187, ASTM B272

High Conductivity (OFHC) Copper characteristics are high ductility, high electrical and thermal conductivity, high impact strength, good creep resistance, ease of welding, and low volatility under high vacuum.


ELECTRICAL: Electrical Conductors, Klystrons, Microwave Tubes, Transistor Components, Lead In Wire, Coaxial Cables, Copper to Glass Seals in Electronic Appliances, Busbars, Bus Conductors, Wave Guides

INDUSTRIAL: Tubing, LP Gas Service, Tubing, Medical Gas- Oxygen, Vacuum Seals, Coaxial Tube, Billet Mold Tube, Extrusion Cans for Powder Metallurgy

Sizes Available From JMH

RECTANGLES / FLAT BAR: 1/8" - 2" thick through 1/2" - 8" wide

SQUARE BAR: 1/4" - 2" Square

ROUND BAR: 3/16" - 15" Diameter


End ProductSpecification
Bands, Projectile RotatingMILITARY MIL-B-20292, MIL-B-18907
BarAMS 4602, ASME SB152, SB133, ASTM B152, SAE J463, J461
Bar, BusASTM B187, SAE J463, J461
Brazing Filler MetalFEDERAL QQ-B-650
FittingsASME B16.22
Foil, Printed CircuitsASTM B451
NipplesASTM B687
PipeASME SB42, ASTM B698, B42
Pipe, BusASTM B188
PlateAMS 4501, ASME SB152, ASTM B152, SAE J463, J461
Plate, CladASTM B432
RodAMS 4602, ASME SB152, ASTM B152, SAE J463, J461
Rod, BusASTM B187
ShapesAMS 4602, SAE J461, J463
Shapes, BusASTM B187
SheetAMS 4501, ASME SB152, ASTM B152, SAE J461, J463
Sheet, CladASTM B506
Sheet, Printed CircuitsASTM B451
StripAMS 4501, ASME SB152, ASTM B152, SAE J461, J463
Strip, CladASTM B506
Strip, Printed CircuitsASTM B451
TubeASTM B698
Tube, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field ServiceSAE J461, J463
Tube, BusASTM B188
Tube, CoilsASTM B743
Tube, CondenserASME SB111, ASTM B111
Tube, FinnedASME SB359, ASTM B359
Tube, Rectangular WaveguideASTM B372, MILITARY MIL-W-85
Tube, SeamlessASME SB75, ASTM B641, B75, MILITARY MIL-T-24107
Tube, Seamless Bright AnnealedASTM B68
Tube, Seamless for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field ServiceSAE J461, J463
Tube, Seamless for Torpedo UseMILITARY MIL-T-3235
Tube, U-BendASME SB395, ASTM B395
Tube, WeldedASTM B716, B641, B447, MILITARY MIL-T-24107, SAE J461, J463
Tube, Welded for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration ServiceASTM B640
Wire, Coated With Lead AlloyASTM B189
Wire, Coated With NickelASTM B355
Wire, Coated With SilverASTM B298
Wire, Coated With TinASTM B33, B246
Wire, FlatASTM B272
Wire, Hard DrawnASTM B1, FEDERAL QQ-W-343
Wire, Medium-Hard DrawnASTM B2, FEDERAL QQ-W-343
Wire, MetallizingMILITARY MIL-W-6712
Wire, SoftAMS 4701, ASTM B3, B738, B48, F9, FEDERAL QQ-W-343
Wire, StrandedASTM B8, B174, B470, B172, B173, B286, B496, B226, FEDERAL QQ-B-575
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